SPRING AHEAD! (Of course we had a snow storm yesterday)
For, lo, the winter is past, the rain [snow for us] is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land; The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away. Song 2:11-13
Growing up in metro Detroit, we got to hear our baseball broadcaster, Ernie Harwell (who was a vocal Christian gentleman) quote this passage at the beginning of the baseball season every year.
We had a great series of meetings at North Star Baptist Church (Pastor David Sorenson) in Duluth, Minnesota for a Sunday-thru-Wednesday seminar. I got to present several of my messages (now numbering about 30). The people were very excited with the material and requested a couple of specific messages. I was more than happy to comply. Pastor Sorenson gave me a tour of the unique city of Duluth. Being a key port city, it has a lot of the amenities of a larger city – yet it is not that large. It’s situated on a hill, which makes for rough travelling during the winter, but they have an extensive system of indoor overpasses connecting buildings, so you can traverse much of the city without having to go outside.
I was given two new items from members there. One was a fabricated human skull almost precisely to scale of how large King Og (the largest giant in the Bible at 13′-15′, Deut 3:11) would’ve been, which matches the fossil findings of Gigantopithicus and the 26″ Max Track footprint casting, both of which I have. I got to use it right away in Kings Kids, and the kids were amazed.
The other item was a photo of a reported Sasquatch/Bigfoot. I am not sure what to think about Bigfoot (AKA: Yeti in Asia). I do have a purported Sasquatch track casting, but the foot is distinctly human, and Sasquatch, if it is legitimate, seems to be an animal. Animals have paws, hooves, or a second set of hands (like apes). No animal has a foot like a human. Many of his photos were distant and unconvincing, but his two close-up photos were definitely some kind of a creature. Detractors identify it as a bear, but I have been looking at photos of various bears all over the internet and find none that resemble what was in those two photos. I’m not sure what it is, but I now include his photo in my recently discovered creatures (Dinosaurs Today?) message. New creatures, including some quite large ones (like the 7′ tall Bili ape), are often discovered in relatively uninhabited areas (swamps, jungles, seas), but Sasquatch would have to hide in the woods, where a lot of hunters trek on a regular basis. I’m not at all convinced Bigfoot is real, but those photos are compelling.
Next week I will be doing two Awana classes at a church across town. Their Awana leader, Jim Engler, saw one of my presentations at the University of WI-Oshkosh and wanted me to minister to his church’s youth groups. It may lead to further opportunity there, as well.
Last week I was at Bible Baptist Church (Pastor Robert Hatch) in Winneconne, WI. Bro. Hatch is also a tax preparer and insurance provider. This is his busy season, so he can use more pulpit coverage this time of year. As much as I hate taxes and insurance and think they are mostly a scam, it’s a blessing to have a brother in Christ to deal with those things.
Pastor Brenenstuhl and a group from our church took a trip to Israel this month, so I had to cover in the nursing homes, school chapel, and Kings Kids youth ministry quite often the past few weeks. But because of that, The Lord gave me a NEW message!
Sadly, most of the fossils and artifacts in my collection are a result of the flood. They are testimonies of sin and death. But that inspired a message on that topic that also explains why there is sin, death, and tragedy in this world. Why do bad things happen to “good” people and bad people get away with things? Those are legitimate questions many lost people have. It is a good Sunday school message. It sets the stage for much of the rest of the presentations, and I am able to fit it into Sunday school time constraints. Some of the other messages I’ve used for Sunday school are getting longer as new information and discoveries are released. The current title is “Wages of Sin is Death”, though if I can think of a more witty title, I may change it.
I had my normal monthly meeting at Door Bible Baptist in Brussels, WI (Pastor Mark Englebert). They are such a blessing, being, in effect, a supporting church by having me in every month. Probably next month I’ll do my new message there.
We were planning another week-long seminar at Bolt Fundamental Baptist Church (Pastor Jim Lucas) in West Virginia. They were going to have me in to do their camp – but they scheduled the camp for the same week I’ll be in NY in May. Jamie will look into rescheduling the camp, but that will not be easy to do. They do want me back in the fall, either way. Pastor Lucas is recovering well from a triple bypass.
I’ll be back in New York, this time at Temple Baptist Church (Pastor Vince Williams), in Norwich, NY for a week-long series of meetings.
I have a few future meetings planned for later in the year, including a return to Anchor Bible Baptist (Pastor Darren LaRue) in Ohio and a meeting for the Northwoods Creation Association in September.
NOW is the time to schedule a meeting for your church. Call 920-376-0828 or respond to this email. If any of you are interested in having me for a meeting (to see my new Bigfoot photo, or the rest of what I provide), I have created a new page on my website that tells what I have what I might need, and some pointers and basic information. Check it out at: http://genesisevidence.org/my-needs/
Here is the Max Track I spoke of earlier. One of five (in a left-right sequence) 26′ tracks (with a 72″ stride) matching a human who would’ve been 13′-15′ tall (the size of King Og in scripture) and confirming Gen 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days:
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