That’s the contempt charge he was found guilty of. Turns out the judge’s order never prohibited him from filing the lis pendens. Yesterday charges 1, 2, & 4 were dismissed.
Continuation of my comments, Let us dnifee what is theory in this case. The definition that we may apply for this is not the kind of definition as the theory of relativity, but a formulation assumed to be true but base on certain principles not completely verified,abstract reasoning or speculation and assumption or guess based on some evidence written in the scripture but need to be clarified according to the right way of interpreting it.let me explain how I assists that this theory is nonsense, because of the following truth of the matter. All of us we must consider that God hath made everything beautiful in his time Ecclesiastes 3:11. Genesis Chapter 1:2 is a description of what was created in verse 1 the whole entire universe and the following verses is the chronological order of creation from first day until the six days, and the word DAY in Hebrew word is Yom meaning 24 hours not ages. The supporting books and verses like Isaiah 14:12 to 17 cannot be because there is no nations that exist during that time and the other reference of Psalms 104:29&30 the context is all about the human being according to verse 23 of the same chapter and besides in verse five ( 5 ), it says that the foundation of the earth should not be removed for ever and ever.
Genesis 46.30 yes , “Israel “, as personified by Jacob , is a man /nation maked by retveially great faith that we in our day can only aspire to. However , God’s unchanging constancy is the really awe-inspiring element down through the centuries , whether in the time of Jacob and Joseph or in ours. As VAUGHAN ROBERTS has written ,”There is only one God-the God who made the world.He has absolute power and continues to rule the world despite our rejection of him . That power was seen by the people of Israel during the Old Testament period as they watched him fulfil his promises to them.” Jacob/Israel prepares for death after a God fearing life but a chequered life too .In his youth , Jacob was a deceiver and liar and it is a later mysterious encounter with God that transforms him and changes his name . Yet , Jacob now Israel remains no unblemished hero- for instance , he has been a poor parent whose favouritism towards Joseph has provoked bitter rivalry and jealousy among his own sons .That God chose such weak material as Jacob to found ” Israel” is amazing . It is a reminder that God can employ and use even us weak and flawed humans as part of his plan and to do good .The story of Jacob , now as he prepares to leave this life in scripture , is a reminder to us that there are many baffling ( baffling to us , not to God Almighty!) in the encounter between God and humanity . The Josephs and Jacobs are no Jesus the best , by far , is yet to come !