Ian Juby is my favorite current creation speaker. He has a vast knowledge of all aspects of the debate, has it mostly committed to memory for instant recall, and, despite being a member of Mensa (for I.Q.s over 150), he is able to present even the complex issues in an interesting and understandable manner.
His website is: Ian Juby
For the past three years he has done a weekly half-hour TV show called “Genesis Week“. It’s the best creation show I’ve seen.
His Youtube channel is Wazooloo. On his Youtube channel, besides the weekly show, he has a series of short “Rants” that are hilarious, provocative, and informative. He also has interviews with some of the most eminent creation scientists.
mensa is for the top 2% of the population. so the iq requirement varies by test and is most certainly NOT 150 (5 standard deviations above the norm is well beyond the top 2%).
“the Mensa IQ requirement for minimum score on the Stanford-Binet is 132” pulled directly from the mensa website itself.
My comment is DNA is Dead Meat. When you see a dead corpse at a funeral home, all the DNA is there, but no life. Even if you could evolve DNA which is impossible, you still do not have life. It takes a “spirit” to make use of the DNA. The Bible says in James 2:26 For the body withot the spirit is dead… Also, the Bible describes death as “Giving up the ghost (spirit). Since science ignores anything spiritual, it will never understand the origins of life. Science ignores spiritual things because they cannot see or measure it. Just because a person does not have a tool to measure sething does not mean it does not exist. We need to measure spiritual things with spiritual and not physical. I would like to see you do a rant on this often taboo subject. Science groups spiritual study with myth and superstition, whe it is actually overlooked reality. Don’t get sidetracked into an argument over DNA. Love your work. Keep it up. My 2ยข.