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Ben Carson Denies Evolution

Ben Carson Denies Evolution


4:00 video on site.

“Well, the first thing is, how does something come out of nothing?” said Carson, who has written more than 100 neurosurgical publications. “And the second thing is, how does life evolve from non-life? Which, if you want to talk about fairy tales, those are incredible fairy tales.”

“And to say that that just came about sort of randomly by various mutations over the course of time, when as I just said mutations tend to lead to degeneration rather than improvement, just doesn’t make any sense,” said Dr. Carson. “So, the very things that they claim are evidence for evolution are the very things that damn the theory.”

“And the other thing is there are no intermediate species,” said Dr. Carson. “Where are they? It shouldn’t just evolve up to a certain point and then leap to the next species. There should be something in between at all given points of time, and there aren’t, and no one’s ever found them.”

Ron Paul Denies Evolution

Ron Paul Denies Evolution

Ron Paul is a medical doctor, an Ob-Gyn who has delivered over 4,000 babies. He is also a 12-term congressman from Texas who ran for president three times. During the 2008 presidential campaign, he was asked for his views on creation vs. evolution and responded thus:

See him say it in his own words:  “It’s a theory, the theory of evolution, and I don’t accept it … I think that the Creator that I know, created us and created the universe.”

Ron Paul



In February’s trial, the IRS failed to get a conviction on 3 of the 4 charges against Kent Hovind. The charge they did convict him on was contempt for defying the judge’s order not to attempt to fight to get his property back. Of course that was an unlawful order, everyone has the right to redress, so it was the one charge that will almost assuredly be thrown out on appeal.

The retrial on the hung-jury charges was scheduled to start Monday, 5-18. Coach Dave Daubenmire got together a legal team to put in a motion to dismiss that must’ve iced the IRS prosecution because they put in a call for a continuance (postponement). They obviously knew their goose was cooked and needed more time to figure out a new plan of attack. But the judge refused the continuance so close to the trial. In response, the IRS prosecution DISMISSED the CHARGES!

They did this “without prejudice”, meaning they can file them again, but this shows they are up against a wall now. It is 4th and long and they are punting.

They still have the sentencing (and/or appeal) on charge #3. The usual punishment for this is a small fine, or maybe a few days in jail, and often nothing at all (time served for a guy going on 9 years in prison would more than suffice) – but the judge has total descretion and could give him up to 20 years. Of course that would bring on an appeal.

For the first time in this ordeal, the legal maneuvers are swaying in Bro. Hovind’s favor. Praise God. Keep praying till he is home.


Joe Taylor

Joe Taylor


Joe Taylor (on the right beside me, with Carl Baugh on the left) is the curator of the Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum in Crosbyton, TX (near Lubbock). He digs dinosaur bones, restores them, assembles them, and casts them. Some of his handiwork is on display at the AiG Creation Museum.

I have gotten many of my fossils and castings from Bro. Taylor.

He has made some appearances on “Creation in the 21st Century“, with David Rives.

He is also involved with the Omniology website.


Put to the test, Joe correctly identifies a turtle fossil.

Ian Juby

Ian Juby

Ian Juby

Ian Juby is my favorite current creation speaker. He has a vast knowledge of all aspects of the debate, has it mostly committed to memory for instant recall, and, despite being a member of Mensa (for I.Q.s over 150), he is able to present even the complex issues in an interesting and understandable manner.

His website is: Ian Juby

For the past three years he has done a weekly half-hour TV show called “Genesis Week“. It’s the best creation show I’ve seen.

His Youtube channel is Wazooloo. On his Youtube channel, besides the weekly show, he has a series of short “Rants” that are hilarious, provocative, and informative. He also has interviews with some of the most eminent creation scientists.

Kent Hovind

Kent Hovind

Hovind and I

Bro. Kent Hovind is a creation evangelist who I’ve patterned some of my ministry after. The photo is of he and I from about 1995 or 2000. I’ve known him for better than 20 years. I’ve been to his home. He’s been to mine. I (along with Frank Sacco) organized his debate #10 against UW-0 biochemist Dr. Jim Paulson.

Many of you know how he has been railroaded by the IRS and an anti-Christian judge (who banned silent prayer by teachers in her county, until it was overturned by the legislature). I’m very familiar with his situation and 100% supportive of Kent in the matter.

For more information go to:

and Rudy Davis’ Youtube channel has had dozens of updates and interviews with Bro. Hovind:


There are also Facebook groups like: Facebook Free Kent Hovind