Bro. Kent Hovind is a creation evangelist who I’ve patterned some of my ministry after. The photo is of he and I from about 1995 or 2000. I’ve known him for better than 20 years. I’ve been to his home. He’s been to mine. I (along with Frank Sacco) organized his debate #10 against UW-0 biochemist Dr. Jim Paulson.
Many of you know how he has been railroaded by the IRS and an anti-Christian judge (who banned silent prayer by teachers in her county, until it was overturned by the legislature). I’m very familiar with his situation and 100% supportive of Kent in the matter.
For more information go to:
and Rudy Davis’ Youtube channel has had dozens of updates and interviews with Bro. Hovind:
There are also Facebook groups like: Facebook Free Kent Hovind
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