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Happy Independence Day!

        I’m sure this year’s Independence Day celebration will be tempered by the recent supreme Court rulings, especially the one in favor of homosexual “marriage”. Be of good cheer (John 16:33), that is just the kind of thing my ministry is designed to combat!

As the AiG cartoon below shows, the homosexual agenda is simply a symptom of abandoning our foundation. The enemy knows this and they attack our foundation, the Genesis creation, and thereby call into question the veracity of the entire Bible! If the Bible is not true in Genesis 1-3, how can we be sure it is true in John 1-3 (John 3:12!) or Romans 1-3?

I liken the Genesis account to the legs of a table. Everything we believe – salvation, sin, soulwinning, sanctification, second coming, sanctity of life, heaven, hell, resurrection, et al, including marriage, rests on Genesis. If the devil can kick out the legs from under the table, the whole table, and everything on it, tumbles down.

Why do we even know that same sex marriage is wrong? Because in the first chapters of Genesis, God made a man and a woman and established that as a marriage. Jesus Himself referred back to that as the authority for marriage (Matt 19:4, Mark 10:6).  The apostle Paul also pointed back to Adam and Eve in 1 Tim 2:13, and applied this concept to our salvation in 1 Cor 15:22 & 45. Our salvation is likened to the marriage between Jesus and the church. A same sex marriage doesn’t portray that relationship.

We need to be “wise as serpents” and attack the enemy’s foundation while fortifying ours. I’m all for fighting individual issues like abortion and homosexuality, but to really bring a tree down, you must saw at its base. Cutting off branches will have limited effect.

This sodomite agenda is not going to get better in the near future. It’s going to get worse, likely MUCH worse. It’s going to get deeper into our churches and grab more of our young people. My ministry is needed more than ever to put the legs back up under the table, and chop the tree down at its base. I want to protect and fortify our next generation from the sodomite assault. I’d rather be pro-active in prevention than reactive after our next generation gets taken by this snare of Satan.

If you need a recommendation, here is a good one from Pastor Fred Weiss:

Dear Brother In Christ,

I would like to take this opportunity to send along a letter of recommendation for Teno Groppi, and the Genesis Evidence Ministry. There are a number of ministries defending the Biblical account of creation these days, but the ministry presentation from Bro. Groppi is unique in a couple of ways that I would like to mention. First of all, Teno is a true Bible believer, which is quite evident in his presentation. All of his material is distinctively King James, and his method of teaching will reassure your people that they can trust the Bible God has given them. Secondly, Bro. Groppi has the ability to speak to the common man. While he is obviously knowledgeable and understands the scientific terms of his field, he seems to keep in mind his audience and is able to speak on their level. I know that our Church enjoyed being able to grasp all of the concepts that were presented, and our people were encouraged to see just how easy it is to explain God’s creation.  I’m sure that Bro. Groppi will be a blessing to you and your Church, as he was to ours.

If there is any other information that you would like, please feel free to contact me at 608-524-2604 or

May the Lord bless you and your work,

Pastor Fred Weiss
Bible Baptist Church, Reedsburg, WI

You can find this, and several other recommendations at:

My summer schedule is thin (it picks back up in the fall and into next year). If you are interested in using my ministry to fortify faith in the Bible, especially as each generation in America gets further away from God, NOW is a good time to set up some meetings (this is VBS season, and I’ve done a number of VBSs). You can contact me by email or phone:

307 Merritt AV
Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901
920-426-9885 (home)
920-376-0828 (cell)

Is Dr. Moran evolving into a chicken right before our eyes?

Is Dr. Moran evolving into a chicken right before our eyes?

Moran Chicken

Dr. Moran, I sent this invitation to your U-Toronto email address, but received no reply, perhaps because it’s summertime:

Dr. Moran, I see you want to debate America creationists. I can arrange a debate for you with Kent Hovind. We could host it here in Oshkosh, WI if we can do it in-person, or we could arrange it on the internet via Skype. I’ll be awaiting your reply.

I FB messaged this to Dr. Moran 8-8-15. If you go to his FB page you can see he posts on it regularly. Yet, I haven’t received a reply to either request, despite the fact that Moran advertises himself as someone who loves to debate creationists.

Is Dr. Moran evolving into a chicken right before our eyes?

Feel free to contact him and encourage him to accept my offer.



    I will never forget my trip to Tennessee.

While ministering in Tennessee this week, I got a phone call from my wife informing me that my father, Louis Groppi, just moved into his new residence, called in scripture his “long home”, AKA “heaven”. He would’ve been 80 in August. Next time I see him, he’ll be young and strong again. His death was a bit unexpected. The doctor had left just three hours earlier and he was doing well despite having a mild infection and falling a few days ago, but at that age, any little thing can be worse than thought.

He trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour some 25 years ago, eventually serving as a deacon in his church. Family on the scene report that as he neared death he showed 100% assurance of his salvation and destiny and not even a tinge of fear. THAT’S MY DAD!

NOW is when the blood of Jesus Christ is priceless. Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Steve Jobs, George Soros, David Rockefeller, the Kock brothers, and the entire Sam Walton family combined don’t have enough money to buy what I’ve got in Christ.

I’ll miss my dad, but only for a while. How will you handle the death of your loved ones? How will your loved ones handle your death? Trust Christ and you will be able to REJOICE! I got to use my dad’s testimony several times in the eight sessions we had in Tennessee.

Ps 116:15 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.

1 Th 4:13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.

        About 20 years ago I preached my first sermon at Wyldewood called “Death, You Lose!” In it I said my dad would probably be the next loved one of mine to go. I didn’t dream he’d stick around another 20 years. The blood of Christ is still efficacious, and “Death – You STILL LOSE!”

We had a great meeting Wednesday at the Fishery Church and meeting up with my old high school friend, Roger Hull. Roger was my best friend through junior high and high school, but I haven’t seen him since he moved to Tennessee in 1981. Roger and I coached a youth baseball team together the year before he moved. I continued coaching, winning four consecutive league championships. In 1983, the year I got saved, one of the players was a 4th grader named Marshall Mathers. He is better known now as “Eminem “, the rap musician (if you can call rap “music”).  I led six of the kids in the league to Christ that year, so it is entirely possible that I gave witness of the gospel to “Eminem” when he was a kid.

The pastor and people enjoyed the two sessions and the door is open to return there or possibly other churches Pastor Wishon is familiar with.

Dr Ledbetter

Saturday and Sunday we had some wonderful sessions at Victory Baptist Church, with Pastor James Schoolfield and his church. One of their members, Dr. Jim Ledbetter, is a scientist with five higher degrees, including Ph. D. in virology, and was a teacher (chemistry, biology, physics), but forced out for not promoting evolution. He was like a kid in a candy store 🙂 I was thrilled to have my material pass muster of such a well-credentialed scientist and educator, while at the same time having many people comment that I make my presentations understandable to regular people (including children). It indeed is my goal to be interesting, exciting, and understandable. Pastor Howard Nelson (who passed away last month) used to advocate “putting the jelly on the lower shelf where everyone can reach it”.

Jim Schoolfield

I’ll let Bro. Schoolfield describe the meetings:

“The Victory Baptist Church of Crossville, Tennessee was greatly blessed by the ministry of Teno Groppi Saturday and Sunday 13 and 14 June. He presented a Creation Seminar using PowerPoint display. He also had three tables full of artifacts which he showed and explained to us all of which confirmed the Bible. I believe every Bible believing church in America should have this man come and present a creation seminar.”

        You can find this, and several other recommendations at:

I also presented my display at Mukwanago Baptist Church (Mukawanago, WI) with Pastor Rhon Roberts, at a Christian education promotion. It was a thrill to see dozens of kids engulf my display, asking more questions than I could answer all at once. How often do kids get to handle dinosaur fossils, footprint castings, museum skull replicas, and numerous other items defending the veracity of scripture? We are looking at having a creation day at their Christian school.

My summer schedule thins out dramatically (it picks back up in the fall and into next year). If you are interested in using my ministry to fortify faith in the Bible, especially as each generation in America gets further away from God, NOW is a good time to set up some meetings (this is VBS season, and I’ve done a number of VBSs). You can contact me by email or phone:

307 Merritt AV
Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901
920-426-9885 (home)
920-376-0828 (cell)

Confused Billy Graham

Confused Billy Graham



Billy Graham said it doesn’t matter what one believes about creation and evolution.


“Either at a certain moment in evolution God breathed into one particular apeman who was Adam, or God could have taken a handful of dust and created a man just like that”

(United Church Observer, July 1966).

Sorry Billy. The Bible makes it clear:

Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.